Friday, September 5, 2014

Amos Bundles Scott Classic Catalogue and Volume One International Album

Amos Publishing has announced what I believe is the first bundling of the Classic Catalogue and the pages for the (largely) corresponding album, the Scott International Volume One that covers 1840-1940. The cost of the bundle is $749.99, $599.99 if you are an Amos Advantage member. This represents a 5% savings over the cost of buying the catalog and album separately. Note that the catalog currently advertised is the 2014 version. So unless Amos updates the bundle when the 2015 catalog appears in November, you are buying last year's edition.


ChrisW said...

2014 catalog is still listed, but AA price is now $399.99, which seems to be a really good deal.

Not sure its worth trading in my 1980s edition 2-volume BigBlue, which is still in pretty shape, and my 2011 catalog, which still serves my purpose. I might rather spend the money on getting myself a Part 2 album to go up to 1950.

ChrisW said...

UPDATE: I checked with Amos regarding this bundled package. Unfortunately they will not be updating this. Specifically, they said, "This was a trial item, which we will not be offering going forward."

Too bad!