The 27th edition of the catalog is out. Editor this year is Donna Houseman assisted by Bill Jones. As in the past, Sergio Sismondo made major contributions.
Among the new additions and enhancements this year are:
--new on-cover listings for Alexandretta, Bahrain and Lebanon;
--forerunners of French Andorra and Spanish Andorra appear for the first time;
--a special article by Sismondo and 8 new major numbers and 10 minor numbers for India Scott 1-6;
--local stamps of french Morocco;
--Guatemala Official stamps with perforated initials;
--Extensive updating of values for Aden;
--Central Albania (Scott 1-23, J1-5);
--Extensive updating of values for the Portuguese colonies;
--More than 250 new minor listings for Portuguese India;
--Romania postal tax stamps (RA19A-RA21A);
--Many value changes for Turkey in Asia;
--Value changes and new minor listings for Turks Islands and Turks and Caicos Islands;
--NH values added or updated for more than a dozen countries.
Information above abstracted from Jay Bigalke's "What’s new for the 2021 Scott Classic Specialized catalog?" which appeared in the Nov 2, 2020 issue of Linn's.
The 2021 edition is available from Amos Media as well as major stamp dealers and book sellers. In addition to print, it is also available as an Ecatalogue.
[If you want an overview of changes in all the editions since 1995, type the words "classic catalogue" into the search field in the upper left corner of the screen.]